If you have any suggestions, please click the “Questions” button.
Please Note:
This page is a work in progress and we intend to add trusted resources here as we come across them.
If you have any suggestions, referrals, or ideas that may help others, please click the “Suggestions” button.
Legal Resources for Immigrants
Spanish-Speaking Removal Defense
Graham Ojala-Barbour
Phone: 651-214-6284
Email: graham@ojalabarbour.com
Website: www.ojalabarbour.comBruce Nestor and Susana De León
Phone: 612-822-6269
Email: info@denestlaw.com
Website: www.denestlaw.com
* Also handles criminal law cases.Erin Schutte Wadzinski
Phone: 507-295-4858
Email: info@kivulaw.com
Website: www.kivulaw.comNico Ratkowski
Phone: 651-771-0019
Email: nico@ratkowskilaw.com
Website: https://contrerasedinlaw.com/nicoratkowskiNysha Operana
Phone: 612-465-0060
Email: Nysha@Paschal-Law.com
Website: www.paschal-law.com
*Also handles criminal law cases.Grace Fiddler - Heinz Law
Phone: 612-888-0099
Email: grace@kevinheinzlaw.com
Website: https://www.kevinheinzlaw.com/grace-e-fiddler/ -
Humanitarian Immigration
For help with things like Asylum, U Visas, and inadmissibility waivers
Sheila Stuhlman - Stuhlman Law
Phone: 612-254-8224
Email: sheila@stuhlmanlaw.com
Website: www.stuhlmanlaw.com
* Speaks SpanishGrace Fiddler - Heinz Law
Phone: 612-888-0099
Email: grace@kevinheinzlaw.com
Website: https://www.kevinheinzlaw.com/grace-e-fiddler/
* Speaks SpanishLucy Egberg - Davis & Egberg
Phone: 612-300-2068
Email: Lucy@davisandegberg.com
Website: https://www.davisandegberg.com/attorneys
*Speaks SpanishBrooke Mengel - Mengel Immigration Law, LLC
Phone: 612-977-3186
Email: bmengel@mengelimmigration.com
Website: https://www.mengelimmigration.com/about
Client Intake Line: 612-341-9845
Main: 612-341-3302
Fax: 612-341-2971
Website: TheAdvocatesForHumanRights.org
Katherine Veldhuizen - Program Coordinator, Refugee & Immigrant Program (Coorinadora de Programa de Refugiados & Inmigrantes)
Direct: 612-252-4442
Email: kveldhuizen@advrights.org
Michele Garnett McKenzie, J.D. - Deputy Director
Mobile: 612-360-3818
Desk: 612-746-4685
Email: mmckenzie@advrights.orgMember Directory for the American Immigration Lawyers Association - this website has a directory of attorneys who specialize in immigration, searchable by location: https://www.aila.org
Miscellaneous Related Legal Services
Eva Rodelius and Kathleen Korniyenko
Phone: 612-913-4230
Email: hello@casolaw.com
Website: www.casolaw.com
Family law and criminal law and is familiar with immigration issues.
*Speaks SpanishErica Davis
Phone: 612-977-3188
Email: info@davisandegberg.com
Website: www.davisandegberg.com
Handles criminal law cases and is familiar with immigration issues.
Intake Line: (800) 223-1368
Benjamin Gleekel - Staff Attorney
Office: 651-641-1011 ext. 228
Fax 651-641-1131
www.ilcm.orgAmerican Civil Liberties Union of MN
Website to request assistance: Click here
General website: www.aclu-mn.org
Civil Liberties Assistance