How art brings the Pelican Rapids community together
Pelican Rapids demographics are unique for rural Minnesota. The current city population is highly diverse, with 50% of the community representing non-European backgrounds and over 14 languages spoken. Art allows our community to celebrate its differences and also find commonality with one another. Art is the universal language anyone can speak - it is inclusive and can create messages when words are at a loss. Art offers us a peek through a lens to reveal another perspective, helping us to build understanding, empathy, and change.
The community bench project is important to Pelican Rapids because this public art is accessible, functional, and reflective to our whole population. The bronze faces within the benches are of community members drawn by our student artists. Each of these people have their own unique story about why they chose to make Pelican Rapids their home, further enhancing pride for our strong community. The two bronze people to be having a conversation, while simultaneously inviting people to sit and also begin a conversation of their own. This project allowed our elementary art students to display their creativity, leadership, and pride for their diverse community.